Voter Resources for the
Family Child Care Community

       (Para recursos en español, presione aquí)

2024 is a big election year at the national, state and local levels! We need the family child care community – including educators and families – to show up, show out and advocate for what's in the best interest for children, programs and families!

Explore this list of resources tailored to the early care and family child care community and discover tips to get your youngest learners connected to elections, voting rights, registration procedures and where to cast your vote. 

Voter Engagement Resources

Zero to Three
Babies Can’t Vote, but you can!

The Think BabiesTM Election Toolkit will help you learn about the candidates and how to raise awareness about the issues that impact infants, toddlers and families in your community.
Voting and Elections

Discover everything you need to know about voting nationwide and in your state – from how to register and when and where to vote, to exploring candidate information and more.

Care Can't Wait
Care Voter Guide

The Care Voter Guide provides helpful information on the state of child care, recommended questions to ask elected officials and candidates in town hall meetings, guidance on sharing your story for advocacy efforts, paid family leave and other key topics.

National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
Ve y Vota!

Geared towards supporting the Latinx community, check out this resource for information on voting eligibility, voting rights and support for understanding the voting process.

Let’s Vote! Talking to Children about Voting

Explore key questions, games, books and other resources to teach children about voting.  

State Voices
State Voices - Network

This resource offers state-specific guidance on voting procedures and ways to engage in voting rights advocacy within your state.