All our Technical Assistance virtual trainings are oriented towards staff who work directly with family child care (FCC) educators, whether they are new to the field or experienced practictioners. These trainings are available nationwide and designed for professionals directly engaged with family child care such as, family child care network staff, Child Care Resource & Referral, coaches, early childhood advocates, nonprofit leaders, and others.
Contact us to discuss customized in-person or single organization trainings!
Cost: $290 Registration Deadline:
This training is designed for those seeking foundational understanding of family child care as a field.
Cost: $0 Registration Deadline:
¿Está interesado en Formación de formadores de negocios, diseñada para dotarle de las habilidades y los conocimientos necesarios para dirigir nuestra Serie de negocios de diez semanas de duración, pero necesita más información? Participe en esta sesión informativa para aprender más sobre el programa.
Cost: $3600 Registration Deadline:
All Our Kin’s highly interactive one-week Business Train-the-Trainer (TTT) prepares participants to lead AOK’s Business Series, an engaging and accessible 10-week online course for FCC educators that covers everything from contracts and policies to financial management.
Cost: $3600 Registration Deadline:
La capacitación Formación de formadores de negocios (TTT - facilitado en español) de una semana prepara a los participantes para implementar la Serie de negocios de AOK. Es un curso atractivo y accesible, virtual o presencial de 10 semanas para educadores de cuidado infantil familiar que incluye temas específicos como contratos, pólizas, mercadeo y administración financiera.
Cost: $575 Registration Deadline:
Incorporate the principles of relational, responsive, and reflective practices into your coaching.
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