Peter Jennings Award for Civic Leadership, Teach for America -- Janna Wagner, Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer, together with All Our Kin Board Member Sammy Politziner
Accreditation Advocate of the Year, National Association for Family Child Care
Community Impact Award, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation
Yale-Jefferson Public Service Alumnus Award, Yale University -- Janna Wagner, Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer
Roslyn S. Jaffe Awards Grand Prize, Ascena Foundation
"Extraordinary Female Social Entrepreneur," New Profit -- Jessica Sager, Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer
Susan M. Lewin Women's Leadership Award, Community Foundation for Women & Girls -- Nilda Aponte, Provider Showcase Director
Top-Rated Nonprofit,
Four Star Nonprofit, Charity Navigator
ACES Education Foundation Honorees -- Jessica Sager and Janna Wagner, Co-Founders and Chief Executive/Learning Officers
Top-Rated Nonprofit,
Connecticut Women's Hall of Fame 2013 Education and Empowerment Honorees -- Jessica Sager and Janna Wagner, Co-Founders and Chief Executive/Learning Officers (respectively)
Above and Beyond Award, Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership -- Nilda Aponte, Provider Showcase Director
Top-Rated Nonprofit,
The International Alliance for Women (TIAW) World of Difference 100 Award -- Jessica Sager and Janna Wagner, Co-Founders and Chief Executive/Learning Officers
Women in Business Champion of the Year for Connecticut, U.S. Small Business Administration -- Jessica Sager, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Great Women’s Empowerment Nonprofit, Great Job Training Nonprofit,
Wonking Class Hero, Miller-McCune Magazine -- Jessica Sager and Janna Wagner, Co-Founders and Chief Executive/Learning Officers (respectively)
Smart Cookie Finalist, Cookie Magazine -- Jessica Sager, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Special Tribute, Casa Otonal’s Graduating Child Development Class -- Nilda Aponte, Provider Showcase Director
Official Citation, Connecticut General Assembly
Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management Award, Harvard Business School Club of Connecticut -- Jessica Sager, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Forty Under 40, Business Times -- Jessica Sager, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Official Citation, Board of Aldermen, City of New Haven
Region One Leadership Award “in recognition for outstanding efforts and dedication in the field of family child care,” The National Association for Family Child Care
Rising Star, Business New Haven -- Janna Wagner, Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer
Forty Under 40, Business Times -- Janna Wagner, Co-Founder and Chief Learning Officer
Seton Elm and Ivy Award, Yale University and the City of New Haven -- Jessica Sager and Janna Wagner, Co-Founders and Chief Executive/Learning Officers (respectively)
Twenty Under Thirty, Working Woman - Jessica Sager and Janna Wagner, Co-Founders and Chief Executive/Learning Officers (respectively)
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