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Business Support
Policy Advising
Educational Coaching
Licensing Support
Network Development
All Our Kin collaborates with community-based organizations, unions, child care resource and referral agencies, educator groups, state and local
governments and more to provide strengths-based professional development and coaching that centers equity.
We are proud to work with the following national centers:
National Center on Early Childhood Quality Assurance (NCEQA)
National Early Care and Education (ECE) Workforce Center
And to engage in technical assistance with the following state and local partners:
Explore this report from Child Trends to discover how our TA support is contributing to positive outcomes within family child care communities.
Our work with All Our Kin’s Policy TA allowed us to put together Advocacy 101 classes for family child care providers. [This work] helped our team equip providers with the skills and resources necessary to make positive policy change.
Participation in [Network Development] helped me realize that with planning, brave conversations, and bold action we can support family child care providers in serving our community and providing quality, affordable childcare for families. This opportunity has given our team…a different perspective of real support for family child care.
“[All Our Kin] made the learning environment fun and inclusive, while also providing valuable content and experiences. [Their] positivity was infectious, and [their] dedication to this work definitely showed!"
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