Terms of Use

In no event shall All Our Kin or any of its employees, officers, directors, volunteers, or other agents (collectively, “All Our Kin Personnel”) be liable for any injuries, losses, damages, or costs (including direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages) arising from your use of the All Our Kin website. By using All Our Kin’s website, you hereby acknowledge that use of the website does not create any employer-employee, affiliate, agency, or other legal relationship with All Our Kin. 

In addition, you agree that nothing contained in this website is intended to be or constitutes legal or medical advice. The information, materials and content on the site are provided solely for informational and educational purposes. All Our Kin assumes no responsibility for any consequences relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based on the content. 

The All Our Kin website contains links to third-party websites that are not affiliated with or under the control of All Our Kin.  All Our Kin Personnel do not assume any responsibility or liability, including with respect to the accuracy or reliability of any information, communications, or materials available through such links. The provision of such third-party links should not be construed as endorsements by All Our Kin; the links are provided for convenience only. Each individual website has its own set of policies governing what information is appropriate for public access, reproduction, and distribution.  You are responsible for complying with such policies and assume sole responsibility in connection with any use of links to third-party content and third-party websites. 

Spanish Translations

As a courtesy to all website users, All Our Kin's site includes functionality that allows readers to select various languages to translate the English text into. These translations are provided by Google, and All Our Kin is unable to verify their accuracy. In addition, in certain instances, All Our Kin has endeavored to provide high quality and accurate Spanish translations for select documents. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in a translation, the official text is the English text and any differences in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect.

Traducciones al español

Como cortesía a nuestros lectores hispanohablantes, All of Kin ha procurado facilitar traducciones precisas y de alta calidad. Ante cualquier pregunta que pueda surgir respecto de la precisión del documento, el texto publicado en inglés tiene carácter oficial y cualquier diferencia de traducción no es legalmente vinculante ni tiene efectos jurídicos.